About a month ago he had went into the BX (name for the military store on base, he works civil service out at Randolph AFB). He approached the lady at the electronics counter and asked her if the had any Wii's in..... only called them W2. He thought it was a W2 instead of a Wii. He insists that the two i's look like 2's. I guess he is thinking Roman Numerals.... who knows?
Yes, that is right..... he asked the lady if they had any W2's in..... of course the lady didn't know for the life of her what in the heck he was talking about....... oh how I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall.
Needless to say..... he came home with the Wii. The other night we decided we would have a bowling tournament. My mom and dad, Brayden and I. We bowled..... except my dad aka Papaw.... didn't want to get out of bed to play. He insisted on laying on the bed and bowling..... (isn't the whole idea of the Wii to get you moving?). My dad can find a way around that, let me tell you. Of course he kept getting gutter balls and never hit a pin.... so being the competitive person he is..... he got his butt out of the bed and bowled correctly. He still got beat by all three of us but at least he got up to do his last couple of turns.
My dad, one in a million, and wouldn't trade him for anything......
He sounds like a sweetie... dads are great! I miss mine...he died when I was a teen..but I think he would much like yours!
He sounds like a hoot! My dad is 84, and while he is slower and not as able as he once was, he is still a cut up, one of his most endearing qualities.
Thanks for the update on your aunt, I pray her recovery will go well!
You are right, there is noone quite like him. He is a very special man. Noone quite like you either!! Love you so!
Girl, what happened to you? I can't believe you haven't posted in a while. I hope all is well!
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