Sage is trying to suck on Brayden's thumb!

This afternoon, the kids and I came home and I started on dinner. After we ate, we headed outside to play. I got some great shots of our afternoon. Thank goodness
Bailee has been fever free now for two days after having fever for 6 days straight. It was anywhere from 100.2-104.3. I took her in twice to see her pediatricians. Of course they said it was probably viral and there was nothing they could do.... on the second visit Saturday, they tested her for the flu virus and thankfully it was negative. Although, the fever is gone..... the snot is there non-stop. Poor girl, I lathered her up with Petroleum Jelly all around her nose. She is raw from always being wiped.
Brayden is doing great and continues to be a great big brother to
Bailee. They are so funny to watch. I did get a letter from the school today regarding GT. He didn't qualify. He asked me what the letter in the envelope said with the fancy writing and I told him that he had been tested for a program but that he didn't get in. He asked me what would he get to do if he would have been in it, and I told him that they would have pulled him once a week for extra work. He looked at me and jumped up and shouted yes, with his fist in the air. He said he was so glad he didn't have to do extra work. Oh, he is so me. He cracks me up.
We are good around here. Lots of baby lambs on the ground with a whole lot more on their way. So far we have only lost one. Sage is still with us and is doing just great.
Daddy continues to be very busy. His ag mechanics team did win 3rd in their tractor restoration at the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo. I continue to be so very proud of him. The other night he came home after being gone for many days, and I started crying. That is so not me and I don't know where it came from. It surprised the heck out of us both.
His teaching partner's father-in-law passed away this past weekend, so Justin is having to oversee the sheep, goats, hogs, and steers. He is doing the work of two ag teachers this week. He is so exhausted, but keeps on trucking. Yesterday he gave me a gift certificate for a one hour pedicure and a cut and style with my hairdresser. I am so excited! I am ready for mommy time. Oh how I wish I could kidnap him and take him on a plane to somewhere nice, when all the stock shows are done. If only.......
Congratulations to NBHS FFA Ag Mechanics Team
3rd Place at 2009 San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo Tractor Restoration Contest
I love that first picture you posted.
Hello, I just came across your blog and the title Ag Teacher's Wife caught my attention. My husband and I are newly married and I am in my first year of teaching and he is student teaching for ag edu. I have only had to deal with all the activities for a short time but I don't know how you do it. We don't have kids yet, but the late nights and continual practices and weekend contests seem never ending in the ag world. I envy your understanding of the time he has to commit. I hope with God's help that I will gain the same understanding, because right now I just miss him.
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