Now mind you....... my lovely GP whom I adore.... and is a very nice looking man I must add, and I enjoy seeing..... handed me a sealed envelope that was to be given to the specialist I am seeing tomorrow. Of course I am interested in what all was included in this sealed envelope..... so I looked.... I read.... and here is what it said on physical exam remarks.....
Physically........ well developed, stocky, obese, well groomed........
ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME! STOCKY AND OBESE! UNBELIEVABLE! So this doctor that I have grown to just love to pieces.... thinks I am stocky and obese..... off the pedestal he goes!
Mind you, I have lost 15 pounds....... what did he put down before I lost weight.... morbidly obese probably..... Just FYI...... I am 5'4 and 150 pounds...... not skinny, just nice and fluffy.... but obese according to the medical profession..... No wonder the obesity stats are so high in this country...... they are horribly exaggerated!
I was with my mother when I was reading the paperwork and was beside myself when I read the description....... next thing I know, my mom and I are laughing like crazy, and giggling like two little girls!
Golly I would be crushed... gotta ask... "did you reseal the envie?"
OMG! You are not the least bit stocky or obese!!! But hey atleast he said you were well developed, maybe that means you have a nice butt;-). I love that you got a laugh out of it! Please tell me who the GP is so I can stay far away from his office!
I forgot all about resealing the envelope. I never thought of that until now..... oops!
Ok, the definition of obese is so messed up!!! I would hardly consider your weight in that category! I think I'd discuss it with your GP or the specialist, because that verbage would bug the heck out of me!!!
Wow, wouldn't ever describe you with those words. I agree that I'd discuss this with your GP and the specialist. Hope all goes well with all the other "issues."
You crack me up! That is very exaggerated!! You look great my friend!!
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