On Saturday we woke up and headed to the San Antonio Zoo. We had a wonderful time! It looked very dreary out. It turned out to be great though. It wasn't too hot or too cold. It was just right! The kids absolutely loved seeing all the animals. Bailee was so funny. Daddy and I were both surprised at how animated she was when she would see the animals. At one point..... we were able to go into this bird area where you hold cups of nectar and feed the birds. At first it didn't seem as though the birds were hungry. My observant husband, watched the zoo employee and how he held his nectar cup and before we

it, Justin had a bird on his hand, then it moved to his shoulder, and then finally his head. I would totally be lying if I said I didn't pray that the darn bird would poo on his head. It did bite daddy though, when Justin tried to get him off. It was pretty darn funny. I haven't seen Justin laugh like that in a while. It was great to see him carefree and enjoying the family time.

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