Justin was so excited because this was his chance to finally have his real tree and continue the tradition his parents continued throughout his childhood. I must say...... we were pleasantly surprised that there were some great trees still left. We chose a big, full, beautiful one. Hopefully we set it up nice and tight and we won't wake up to a leaning Christmas tree... or especially one that has fallen over. I must admit..... I love having a real tree. Now the whole lights issue.... Justin grew up with white lights, and I with colored. Tonight Justin tried to find lights and all that was out there was white lights.... so we are holding out for colored, I think. I will post a picture when the tree is finally decorated.
The excitement around our house is at it's highest! Three more days of school and then we ALL have two solid weeks off! What we are going to do with all that time.... we have no idea. I know that Justin has plans to visit the deer lease quite a bit. The kids are great. Bailee was so cute tonight as we decorated the house. Brayden is great too. Poor kid is spending his first few weeks of being 7, grounded most of the time. I don't know what it is, but he is sure spreading his wings and trying to push the limit.
I have noticed in the past couple of months that he isn't as cuddly and snuggly as he once was. This realization is breaking my heart into tiny pieces. I have considered crawling into his bed late at night and snuggling him when he is asleep. He is growing up too fast. If I could just stop the clock......
Last weekend, Brayden and I spent most of the day Saturday with the Morris family. It was a gathering to remember Greyson Morris and his first angel day. We released balloons and spent time enjoying each other. Their strength continues to amaze me. It is not of this world. There was a picture taken that shows Nicole, myself, and Mitzi, another teacher together. We are laughing and having a good time. To me, the picture represents the essence of our friendship, laughing when we were crying inside. I am so thankful for my friends.....

I have also been very successful with my Scentsy business lately. I am so excited about it! I am one level from being a director and my check from November is $690.00! The crazy thing is.... my sales commissions were only 160.00 worth... the rest of that is from my team! I can't tell you enough how this stuff sells itself. Not one person that has signed up under me.... have I hounded them.... I have never been a hounder.... if you like it great, order.... if you don't, no biggie. But, as I see the potential.... I am turning into a Scentsy junkie! So while I am on the subject..... check out the January warmer of the month.... it is 10% off in January and pre-orders are being taken now. These sell out super fast so get yours now.... of course that is if you want one. Try Scentsy one time..... I promise you will never use a "normal" candle again. It scents your ENTIRE house. See..... I told you I was turning into a Scentsy junkie!
Well..... blogging friends.... my bed is calling..... and I am heeding it's call!