Today we had a pool party to celebrate Bailee's 2nd birthday. On August 12th, my baby will be 2. I can't believe that is possible. I again find myself saying.... where did the time go? My sweet girl is developing a mind of her own. At one time we thought she was going to be our quiet and reserved child. Not so. She is really testing her independence. She has also started calling her daddy and I a meany, when she gets mad at us. Daddy has even swatted her behind. That is saying A LOT. Daddy isn't usually the disciplinarian in the house. He normally leaves the dirty work to me.
My parents offered for us to have it at their house so we could enjoy the pool. Trust me..... it cooled things off a bit for those of use that chose to jump in.
Bailee is set.... she received a ton of clothes and toys. Just before bedtime tonight she was dressed up as Snow White, holding her Snow White doll, and having a tea party with her brother and I...... all after her "grocery store" shopping trip with her new grocery cart and groceries.
Yes, life is good.
Here is Bailee before the party. Can you tell she is excited?

She takes after her daddy. She loves sweets!

A 6 year old big brother helping his 2 year old sister open presents.... = chaos!
After the party, we cleaned up and headed home. Bailee was eager to try out her knew tricycle from Uncle Ron and Aunt Sue. She rode a while, and then cooled off in the sprinkler.
Oh so much fun! I love the photo of her by the hose/sprinkler!
Gorgeous pictures Misti, as always. My girls birthday is also on August 12. They will be 16 this year, and are praying they pass their driving test and are full fledged drivers this Wednesday.
Happy Birthday Bailee!!!
She is just so adorable!!!!! Abby saw her picture and asked if she could "come over and play in her (Abby's) kitchen" LOL.
She is so cute!!!I love the pics!!
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