Things are going GREAT around the Dunlap household. It is still crazy as ever! On Dec. 3rd we celebrated Brayden turning 7 at Chuck E. Cheese. We had an amazing turnout and a wonderful time. Brayden swears it was the best party ever! It is amazing how well things go when you don't wait until the last minute to plan!
I have been staying busy with my photography business. I am absolutely loving it and dream of one day being able to do it full time. I've noticed though, that I have not been taking many pictures of my family. I spend many hours editing photographs and need to take time for pics of the kiddos.
Daddy and Brayden have been making weekend trips to the deer lease. I am planning on one day... making it to the lease. We shall see. Bailee is doing great. She is such a big girl. Her speech has improved greatly. She consistently talks in complete sentences finally. She makes her opinion known. We only thought she was going to be quiet like her daddy. She is holding her own with her brother. I have only caught her beating up on him a couple of times...... TODAY! And, this high pitched scream she has started lately.... when she gets really angry.... is going to have to stop! Any ideas?
Brayden is doing great. He is still loving school. He is always either playing football or basketball. He is constantly throwing around one or the other in the house. So far, nothing has been broken. Bailee has been hit, but like I said.... nothing has been broken, thank God! The other day Brayden was going through some change, looking for particular state quarters that he doesn't have on his quarter board collection. The board has a map of the USA on it and on each state you take out the cardboard plug and put in that particular states quarter. Well, he brought me his board and was yelling, "YES! I found a New Mexico quarter. I don't have one yet, and I have been looking for one forever. It look different from all the other states though." He asked if I would help get the plug out so he can put in the quarter. I was able to do so, and he immediately stuck the coin in New Mexico's spot. But when I looked at the coin.... I immediately started to laugh..... "as I said.... that is not a quarter.... that is a peso from Mexico!" We both could not stop laughing. He found some of the money Justin I had brought back from our honeymoon in Cancun. We had an unexpected lesson on pesos....
So yes, we continue on with our busy lives, but wouldn't change a thing. Stay tuned for future stories of unexpected lessons we learn here in the Dunlap household.

Nice to see you blogging! I loved taking my kids to CEC...Enjoy your day!
Your baby girl is just growing up sooooo much!! I still imagine her as hoo.
Happy to hear everyone is well.
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