About an hour later I hear her crying so I went into her room. She had vomited all over the place. When I picked her up out of her bed, I noticed she was burning up. I grabbed the thermometer (we have the one that scans the forehead, I've seen the pediatrician's office use the same one). It read 106.2. I panicked! I checked my temp and it said 98.2 so I knew it was pretty accurate. I took her temp again and it said 105.8. I grabbed her and began filling up the bathtub. After wetting her down and taking her out of the bath, I got a temp reading of 105. Better, but still high. I had Brayden run to the barn and tell his daddy that his sister had a very high temp and that I was calling the doctor.
After 15 minutes we still hadn't heard from the doctor but knew he would tell us to head to the ER. We were one step ahead. The doctor ended up calling when we pulled up to the ER. He definitely said to get in there and wanted them to run some blood work and give her antibiotic shots.
The ER was able to get her temp down to 101.9 which we were very please with. When we finally got back there to see the doctor (3 hours later) Bailee was perking up. You could tell her fever was going down.
When the doctor came in to look at her, he was so pleased at how she was acting. He was concerned about such a high fever and was worried about her seizing. He said it would be a different story if he had seen her when she had the 106 fever. We would have been looking at a spinal tap and all sorts of horrible tests. Justin and I were so thankful that the fever was lower. I can't imagine having to put her through all that.
They ended up giving her two injections of powerful antibiotics and sent us home with a script for Amoxicillan. We were home by 2:00 in the morning. She slept from about 2:30-4:00 but that it about it. We are doing Ibuprofen and Tylenol every 3 hours. We have managed to keep her temp at 100 without it going anywhere near 106.
Although I feel like I have the biggest hang over, I am sure it is nothing compared to how Bailee felt. We are so very thankful that things turned out well and that no scary tests had to be done.
We will definitely be ready for some relaxation at the beach!
Oh how scary! I am glad you are maintaining a lower temp! That only happen once for us...scary stuff! Hope you are able to get to the beach!
I can't imagine how scary that temp was. My kids run fevers, its' not a surprise to see 104, but 105 or 106 would have put me into action too. I'm glad you're able to keep it down and hopefully the meds will do their job and your baby will be back to her old self. I hope you get some rest too.
That is so scary! Poor little Bailee! I am so glad she is doing better. XOXOXOX!!
Oh my goodness! I'm so glad they got her temp down and she was able to sleep some. Very scary!
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