Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Much Needed Vacation

It was announced this afternoon, that New Braunfels school's (Comal ISD and New Braunfels ISD) will be closed until May 11th because of swine flu. While I am sorry for those that are directly affected by this nasty virus, I am grateful that our district is doing it's part in preventing further spread of the illness. It kinda makes me think..... is it more serious than the government is leading us to believe? What is it that they know, that we don't?

All four of us were working in our garden when we received the call. Brayden was running around cheering and Justin and I were grinning from ear to ear. Bailee, not understanding what was going on, was her smiling self as she watched her brother running.

While I wonder how/if/when these days will be made up, I find myself giddy with anticipation of all we can get accomplished around here. There is so much to be done.

We took the Math TAKS test today. Tomorrow would have been the Reading TAKS test. I guess the last two weeks of May will include TAKS testing. That ought to be interesting.

I hope and pray that we stay healthy so that we may enjoy this time together. Amazingly, Justin only has a couple of things planned so we will have plenty of bonding time as a family. Here's to family time!


Unknown said...

Wow Misti!!! How close to Mexico are you? Have there been that many reported cases near you? Two weeks out seems like a long time.......I'm so surprised.
I pray your family and community is spared any outbreaks. I also hope that your little family enjoys this break! ahhhhhhhhhh

Unknown said...

I hope you have a productive time off! We have a possible case in MN... and they closed the affected school today! I hope that all stays safe in your area! Keep us updated on how the days will be made up... or not made up...I am just being a nosy teacher...

A Day in the LIfe said...

Hey Misti, just wondering if you were taking pictures next week since we have the time off. If you are Brandi and I would love to have the girls pictures taken. Let me know!

Who Knew? Update Version..... Please pass it on.