Saturday, December 20, 2008

Grey's Challenge

Today, I attended the most inspiring memorial service.  It was a beautiful celebration of Greyson's life.  At the end of the service, we handed out balloons, and released them all at once. As the balloons floated towards the heavens, I felt an overwhelming peace.  I pray and hope that Grey's family can find peace.  Those in attendance, also left with a card, and on one side was a picture of Grey, and on the other, was Grey's Challenge.  It is too wonderful not to share.  

Grey's Challenge
"Live today, like there's no tomorrow"

"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12

Step #1
Develop attitudes and priorities that understand and respect the brevity of you life.

Step #2
Commit yourself to seek and to seize opportunities to live more for the benefit of others than for yourself.

Step #3
Inventory your personality and make alterations to the things that hinder the expression of your new attitude.

Step #4 
Remind yourself everyday that, life that is abundant and full can only be lived one day at a time.

I accept the challenge and I hope you will do the same.  


Unknown said...

Wow what a challenge... I accept!

Nicole said...

There could be a gazzilion words I could say to you and it still wouldn't scratch the surface. Thanks for being a part of Grey's special day, and for making it more special by speaking. Thanks even more for your friendship and for sharing Brayden with Ry. I love you. Incredible song. I had never heard it. It made me cry my head off!

Unknown said...

What a deep challenge, I'm going to print it out, put it somewhere I'll see it daily, and continue to share Grey's story with others. Thanks again Misti for making me more aware, and helping me to a be a better person.

Who Knew? Update Version..... Please pass it on.