Meet Nicholas the elf, our new Dunlap Christmas Tradition. It was priceless! I am so glad we did this! You should have seen Brayden's face as I was reading him the story. He couldn't believe that I let him in on the big secret. We chose the name Nicholas as in St. Nicholas...... Brayden first came up with AntaClaus.... but thankfully chose Nicholas. We placed him on a shelf and Brayden whispered to him what he wanted him to tell Santa. As I was walking away to get the camera...... I heard Brayden whisper to Nicholas "you are pretty cool." Brayden said he even saw him nod his head yes. It is memories like these that will stay with us forever. He will always remember Nicholas the elf.... Oh, the magic of Christmas in the eyes of a child.
That picture of Brayden is so cute. Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving! Miss yall.
We love the elf on the shelf too. Landon is beyond amazement!!!
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