I bumped into this blog that had this great Christmas idea (www.nikkiandkeithfry.blogspot.com). I can't wait to begin this tradition with my kiddos! The little elf sits on a shelf. Each night he magically travels to the North Pole to fill Santa in on the kids behavior and to let Santa know what the kids want for Christmas. Each morning he is back but in a different spot than when the kids went to sleep. It is their job to find him each morning. There are a few rules to the game..... you can't touch him and he can't speak to you. You have to be on your best behavior so Santa will only receive good reports.
I am a little worried how Brayden is going to react and if he will buy into it.... we shall see.... I just think it is a fun tradition that we will begin this Christmas after Thanksgiving.
You can visit the website for more information. You name your elf and then register him on the website. The website is so cute. Here is the link... just copy and paste it into your browser.
That is such a great idea! I think we will use that little trick too!:)
The Elf is GREAT! Was pretty sure my DD (10) didn't buy into Santa any more but didn't want to admit it to me but Jingle (what we named ours) gave us at least 1 more year for the magic. Jingle left Christmas PJ's for the kids to wear that night when he left on the 24th wrapped of course in elf paper. Note: Just be prepared with a few excuses for the nights "He" forgets to move like 'someone was up too late...', or he was trying to trick you...
I hope your Elf brings as much magic into your home as our did to ours.
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