Saturday, November 29, 2008


My brother is engaged!  It all happened yesterday......  I am so very happy for them both.  I have truly never seen him this happy.  He is doing wonderful.  He is living in South Texas working in the oil fields.  We love Crissy and her two kiddos and look forward to her officially joining our family.  I found a picture of the ring he bought her.  I had to post it.... it is beautiful in the picture.....  but it looks even better in person!  He did oh so good, even if he is my brother! 

Also, I took this picture a couple months ago of my brother looking at Crissy as she was telling a story.  The look tells it all.  They are truly meant to be together.  

Congratulations to you both!  

Friday, November 28, 2008

Family Pictures

Today we headed to Landa Park.  My parents, the four of us, Aunt Paula and Hayli, and my brother and his fiance Crissy all dressed up and met there at 11:30.  It was an absolute adventure. First.....  my mom and I were scoping out areas to take the pictures....  I handed her my camera and she began taking shots..... she started walking near the water..... and she FELL!  She hit pretty hard and I saw her head bob against the rocks....  thank God she was okay...  it was such a NASTY fall.  She did pretty good..... her white shirt was still white!  My camera lens didn't fare as well. Mind you.... we had just gotten there, and this was the camera we were going to use....  luckily I had another lens I brought with me, just in case.  Of course a lens can be replaced.... she can't.... Then, Brayden heads up this canyon, and he falls.... The men were good sports but towards the end, they were done and had enough.  

I was able to catch a shot of my parents laughing like crazy.  My brother was making fun of dad and they got to laughing.  It is so them and I am so glad I captured that moment.  The best shots are those candid moments that are not posed and your subjects aren't expecting it.

Here are some of my favorites:

Daddy with his princess.

I love this one... but I could never get daddy to keep his eyes open!

The whole gang!

Yep! He fell..... I told him he was going to...  a mom just knows these things.....

He loves the camera!

My parents.... laughing like crazy.  

Guess who forgot to put the Elf on the Shelf!

Yep, you guessed it... ME....  So here I was blogging about how excited I was to start this and I even introduced our elf Nicholas last night.....  Well.....  Justin got up this morning and noticed that Nicholas was in the same spot he was last night.....  Luckily, he quickly found a new spot before Brayden noticed.....  Thank you Jesus!  Gosh, I knew I would probably forget to move him... BUT not the first darn night.  I have all the way till Christmas Eve to remember....  Lord help me!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Daddy dresses his princess

So.... I had this cute cute little outfit for Bailee picked out for Thanksgiving.  Daddy was so gracious and dressed Bailee before we left for Grammy and Papaw's house.  You can't tell in the pictures but I had her hair fixed with a bow.  She was so precious.  As the day wore on.... she ended up having her pants off and ran around the house in her shirt, diaper, and socks.  
Little did I know.... daddy didn't see the socks I sat out so he chose his own...  he put John Deere socks on her!  I had to take a picture of them.  It was too funny!  That's a daddy for you!

Meet Nicholas the elf!

Meet Nicholas the elf, our new Dunlap Christmas Tradition.  It was priceless!  I am so glad we did this!  You should have seen Brayden's face as I was reading him the story. He couldn't believe that I let him in on the big secret.  We chose the name Nicholas as in St. Nicholas......  Brayden first came up with AntaClaus.... but thankfully chose Nicholas.  We placed him on a shelf and Brayden whispered to him what he wanted him to tell Santa.  As I was walking away to get the camera......  I heard Brayden whisper to Nicholas "you are pretty cool."  Brayden said he even saw him nod his head yes.  It is memories like these that will stay with us forever.  He will always remember Nicholas the elf....  Oh, the magic of Christmas in the eyes of a child.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Big Boo Boo(s)

Wow, what a weekend!  Let's see..... where to start, where to start.....

I did end up finding The Elf on the Shelf at Rolling Oaks Mall and it was 50% off!  I can't wait until Thanksgiving evening.  It comes in this box and it also includes a GREAT hardback book that explains it to kids from the elf's point of view.  Too cute!

Grammy and I officially took Bailee on her first shopping adventure to the mall.  Bailee was on her best behavior.  We only had one disaster.  She had a diaper blow out and I didn't have any extra clothes with me....  Thank goodness we were at Macy's.  I had a great excuse to buy her a new outfit.  She also had her first official hair cut Saturday.  I spent too much energy on worrying how difficult it was going to be..... guess what, it turned out great!  She loved sitting in the car and "driving".  She has an adorable little bob now and not a stringy mess.  I love to swoop her bangs to the side with a cute bow or clip of some kind.  She finally looks like a little girl~

Saturday evening, my dear friend Julie came into town.  Both of her adorable kiddos where with her.  It was great spending time with them!  I think I had blogged before about her adding on to her house.  She is wanting ideas on what is out there.... so we have been going driving around neighborhoods and looking at open houses.  It is wonderful.  I get to spend time with such a special person and browse through some beautiful homes.  Well......  we found this one home, it had a sign on it that said Model Home.  We pulled right up, parked the car, and went inside.  Julie suggested we knock, I just knew that there was no need to because of all the cars out front.  Obviously they were busy with all the folks checking out the model home.... Yeah right! 

Humor me and picture this for a moment..... I walk right in..... Julie stands behind at the door and ignores my pleas for her to follow.  I walk around the corner and GUESS WHAT!  There is a cute little old lady on the couch, and a fine looking gentleman sitting next to her, and others I hear but can't see.  Of course he immediately gets up and asks if he can help us....  I of course reassure him that we were just looking and browsing model homes and open houses....  Well..... he was the builder of the house and it was his freakin personal home!  It is open to the public Fridays only!  I literally run out of the house past Julie all the while apologizing profusely. I can't tell you how utterly embarrassing it was!  I bet he locks his doors now, and I bet I read signs much more carefully.

While we were out, Aunt Shelly came over to relieve daddy so he could go sit in the deer blind. Well, Regan and Brayden were taking turns hitting golf balls.  Regan ended up swinging and hitting Brayden in the forehead with the club.... OUCH!  He has another NASTY goose egg with a large cut.  It was not a pretty sight.

Tomorrow is Tuesday but is actually our Friday!  I can't wait for that bell to ring, announcing the end of the school day and the beginning of Thanksgiving break!  Woo hoo!  Remember that feeling as a kid..... getting out of school for the holidays.... I feel that exact same thrill as a teacher!  I am giddy!

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Elf on the Shelf

I bumped into this blog that had this great Christmas idea (  I can't wait to begin this tradition with my kiddos! The little elf sits on a shelf.  Each night he magically travels to the North Pole to fill Santa in on the kids behavior and to let Santa know what the kids want for Christmas.  Each morning he is back but in a different spot than when the kids went to sleep.  It is their job to find him each morning.  There are a few rules to the game.....  you can't touch him and he can't speak to you. You have to be on your best behavior so Santa will only receive good reports.  

I am a little worried how Brayden is going to react and if he will buy into it.... we shall see....  I just think it is a fun tradition that we will begin this Christmas after Thanksgiving.  

You can visit the website for more information.  You name your elf and then register him on the website.  The website is so cute.  Here is the link...  just copy and paste it into your browser.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Annual Christmas Pictures

Today was the day.  Every year, Aunt Sue takes the kids to get their Christmas pictures taken. It is a tradition that started many years ago with Justin (daddy) and Aunt Shelley when they were little.  It is now Brayden and Bailee she takes for annual pictures (thank you Aunt Sue).  I tell you what, everyone should experience formal picture taking with kids, at some point in their lives.  

It was seeming to go pretty smoothly at first.  We had two or three clicks of the camera and were on a roll, then some people show up to pick up their portraits.  The photographer had to stop and help them.... Next thing I know the phone is ringing and she is on the phone scheduling appointments....  By the time she returned, Bailee had decided she was done with picture taking.  Her temper was beginning to emerge and she was working herself up into a lovely display of fit throwing.  We would stop at times and let her play around and compose herself and then put her back in front of the camera.  The photographer even pulled out the feather duster.  You know that nasty thing that they put in every child's face.  I cringe when I think about it....  I wonder how many snotty noses it has tickled every time I see it.  

Guess what, the feather duster worked....  Even at one point it was me that grabbed it trying to get Bailee to crack a smile.  Ugh!  She is on an antibiotic still so hopefully it will help her fight whatever I may have scattered all over her face.  

Here are some of the pictures.  Check out the one in sepia.  This is after Bailee had thrown one of her fits.  Brayden looks thrilled doesn't he....  memories, memories, memories.  Thanks again Aunt Sue for providing great pictures and memories that will last a lifetime!  

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I have the HAPPIEST husband EVER!

About three months ago, I decided that we were going to buckle down and get out of debt. When I looked at what we were spending on our satellite tv, (89.00/mo.)  I decided that would be one of the first things to go. I of course made sure I would still get FoxNews and CNN on the low plan.  It had it, so I changed plans.  We went from paying 89.00 a month to paying 40.00 a month.  We had the family plan....  that is it, nothing else.  Justin about died because all the sports channels were GONE.  He was ticked!

Tonight, I started browsing the DishNetwork website and saw that the Top 1oo was only 32.99 a month. With taxes and all, it would be 13.00 more than we are paying now.  

So.... I switched.  Clicked a few icons, typed some information, and took care of it all online..... It took effect INSTANTLY!  I called Justin in the room and said, "hey, what were the sports stations you loved?"  So he started naming them off and I turned to them.  Because I had upgraded, they were all there.  The look on his face was priceless.  He couldn't believe what he was seeing. When he realized what I did, he started laughing....  Then he says, "okay now I am pissed.  Are you telling me that I could have had all my channels all along for only 10.00 a month more?"  He was mostly kidding.  A man and his tv.....  

I was cracking up and said "I've got to blog this story."  Justin's response was "you don't have to blog everything that happens."  

He's right, I don't, but I do......

The Christmas Shoes

We were on our way to school this morning.... heater turned up on full blast because we were FREEZING our butts off....  both Brayden and I were pretty quiet.  The only noise in the car came from the radio station that was playing Christmas songs (ALREADY)....  the song The Christmas Shoes came on. If you haven't heard the song, it is about a little boy whose mom is dying and he is trying to buy her some shoes because she wants her to look pretty, just in case she meets Jesus.  Well my sensitive little man starts asking all sorts of questions about the song....  next thing I know I hear this all out wail....  I look back and the flood gates had opened.  Brayden was sobbing and sobbing and sobbing some more.  He could not get himself together.  Instead of dropping him off at parent drop off, we ended up parking and I had to give him some mama love.  He soon settled down and I walked him up to the front of the school....  Who would have thought he would have reacted so.  I hated to leave him like that even if he was fine by the time I left him.  It took everything I had not to keep driving and just spending the day with him. I forget what a deep thinker he is and how he may react in a way I'm not expecting.

Moving on....
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas needs to update their list of providers on their website.  I call this morning to make an appointment with a specialist for Bailee and her foot.  Well I get the number to one of the two doctors listed..... a sweet lady answers the phone and I tell her I needed to make an appointment with Dr. Smith.....  and she says.......  he died in January....  I felt like the biggest idiot, the first words out of my mouth were "Oh great!"  I realized instantly that that wasn't the warmest words I could have said...  I immediately told her I appreciated her help and I was sorry to hear of his passing.....  and promptly hung up the phone.  

Obviously I don't have an appointment yet for her.  I am dreading calling anyone now.... seriously I am concerned about getting in, in a timely manner.  This foot issue seems to hinder her walking.  With her being 15 months now, I am hoping they don't make us wait too long to fit her in.  I will keep you posted on what happens....  Hopefully I can find a great doctor who is alive and well.  

Monday, November 17, 2008

Momma and Daddy Movie Night

So dear hubby and I are making an effort to be spending more quality time together.   We have decided that we are going to make time for each other, doing the things we enjoy TOGETHER! Tonight we watched a great movie.  What Happens In Vegas....  we haven't laughed like we did tonight, in quite a while.  It was a great non-serious movie that had a great ending.  If you have watched it or will watch it soon.....  the popcorn scene had us rolling....  

It was great relaxing with the hubby and laughing like that.....  Of course there were a million other things that needed to be done around the house... BUT we are learning that there are more important things needing to be done, things that really matter, things that have been neglected.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Why do I blog?

Have you ever read my posts and thought, why is she sharing that?  Or, maybe you have thought...  wow, that is so personal why would she blog about that?  Well I will attempt to explain that here in this post.  

Why I started blogging:  I first started almost a year ago.  I became overwhelmed with my husband being gone all the time and was looking for support for the wives of ag teachers. There isn't ANYTHING out there in the way of support....  So, I thought I would start blogging about being an Ag Teachers wife.... It soon turned into a way for me to keep others up to date on our family.  I started out doing just that.... keeping others updated.  Though, I have managed to turn it into a way for me to share my heart, my thoughts, my wonderings in life.....  

What blogging is for me:  It is a way for me to share with others our journey in life.  It is a celebration of life.  It is a way for me to connect with family, friends, and fellow bloggers.

What I blog:  I blog the good and the not so good.  I blog openly and honestly my feelings on life and the events that we encounter.  I blog from my heart.  EVERYTHING I blog, if it is personal, I get clearance from my husband first and foremost.  He is such a great sport, especially since he is so private.  If he has any qualms about a blog, I delete it, no questions asked, unless a good ol' edit is needed.  

Why I blog:  I blog to share.  I blog to let others know that although they may not have the courage to say something out loud..... I probably will and that is okay.  I blog to let others know that they are not alone.  I blog so others can count their blessings.  I blog to let others know my heart and soul.  I blog to catalog life.  I blog to encourage.  I have a passion for life, the good and bad.  I want to share my passion with you. 

When I blog: I blog whenever.  There are not set times or days.  I blog if I have time.  I blog when I don't have time.  I blog multiple times a day and sometimes skip a day or two.  I blog mainly at night, after the kids are fed, bathed, and in bed.  

The Marvelous Momma Weed

This conversation happened yesterday.  I wanted to share...

Brayden: (coming through the front door) "Momma, I have something for you.  You are not going to believe what it is."

Me: "Honey, be quiet, your sister is sleeping.  I am in here at the dining room table."

Brayden: (he comes around the corner holding ummmmm... a weed) "This is for you."  He lays it on the dinner table.

Me: "Brayden that is a weed.  Get that off our table and take it outside."

Brayden: "Momma, I got it for you because I knew you would love it."  (the look on hisface made be back track FAST)

Me: "Oh my goodness, I didn't realize that it was pink!  It is the most beautiful weed that I have ever seen.  Because it is so beautiful and it is my favorite color, let's name it mama weed."  

Brayden: "That is the best idea ever, Mama."  

Later, Justin came in and had no idea of the previous conversation.  He tells me how I wouldn't believe just how excited Brayden was to give me the weed he picked to me.  Justin also says.... he hasn't seen Brayden so excited about something like that in a while....  Of course, by this time I am feeling like the biggest, meanest, mommy ever.  

Here is the absolutely marvelous Momma Weed!

I Am On a Roll!

I have already ORDERED our Christmas cards!  I can't believe it!  I am so very proud of myself!  I don't know what is going on, but I love the improvements I am making in my life!  I have NEVER been so prepared.  I  just pray it lasts.  First I plan AND book Brayden's birthday AND I order our Christmas cards a month early. 

Usually I wait so late on Christmas cards, that I debate on just sending a Happy New Year greeting instead.  

Today we got together with my in-laws, aka Mimi and Opi.  Today they celebrated 34 years of marriage. I am so very proud of them.  I tell you what.... Justin and I both were raised with a great example of what a marriage should be.  I am so thankful for that.  We knocked out our Christmas card photos.  Having my nifty Nikon D40 has really paid off.  Here is a funny picture...... 

Check out this picture!  No one is looking 
at the camera but Mimi.....  too funny!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

She's a Talker not a Walker

Well, this morning I took Bailee to the doctor for her constantly running nose.....  it is a sinus infection.  I was not prepared though for how Bailee would react.  She cried and cried about everything from the scale to the stethoscope on her.  Brayden had spoiled me....  He never ever cried unless he was getting shots.  The doctors would always comment about how well he behaved at the doctors office.... he was like that ever since he was teeny tiny.  So when Bailee is bawling her eyes out.....  I was not expecting it and the doc commented how most kids at her age react the same way.  We are starting her on an antibiotic and hopefully she will start improving on Tuesday.  Amazingly her ear tubes are still in.  She had them put in this past July. I was under the impression that they fell out soon after being put in.  Our doc said that they are designed now to be in at least a year.  So I was relieved at that....

I did point out that she was still not walking and that I was a little concerned about how much her right foot turned out and that this seemed to really mess with her balance.  He took a look and watched her walk across the room as she was holding my hand, and immediately saw the reason for my concern.  So..... with that being said.....  he is referring us on to a pediatric orthopedist in San Antonio.  He is also referring us to have a therapist come out and work with her.  Hopefully we can get this resolved and our little lady can be on her feet in no time....  In January she has her appointment with her Dr. Patel, her pediatric cardiologist.  It is just a check up to make sure her pulmonary branch stenosis is growing with her.  She is doing so well that I don't anticipate anything but great news at that appointment.....   In her short 15 months.... she has had her share of specialists and procedures.... pediatric cardiologist, pediatric neurologist, pediatric ENT doc, and now a pediatric orthopedics doc.....  can you say,...... lots and lots of medical bills......  oh the fun of those.....  after seeing so many doctors, you would think she wouldn't be bawling her eyes out at having a stethoscope placed on her chest....   And I swear, our insurance company puts EVERYTHING towards our stupid deductible.  It drives me absolutely insane....  Oh well, I guess it could be worse.....  

It is time for me to start getting stuff done around here.  Hope all of you out there are having a wonderful Saturday!  

Friday, November 14, 2008

Happy Friday!

My poor kids....  I have never been good at the whole birthday party thing.  I am just not a planner and have always waited until the last minute to make plans and get the ball rolling.  

I am happy to say that I am changing my ways.  Brayden decided that he would love to have his birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese.  I'll have you know, the party is booked and we are ready to roll.  Now, if I can just get out the invitations soon and well before the party, I will be THRILLED!

Brayden loves video games.  I guess since we don't allow video games quite yet, although we are softening up a bit...  he figures he will have his party somewhere he can play video games.  That boy loves video games.  He loves going to the store and looking at all the Wii games.  He is so funny because he will point out all the games that are rated E.  He knows anything else is not an option.  

When we made it home the kids and I played outside.  Brayden said that he loved spending good family time together and that he needed time with nature so he was glad we were outside. Bailee loved swinging and anytime the swing would slow down, she would shake her head no. For quite some time we believed Bailee would end up this mild and meek child.  She was always so quiet and easy going.  Well, it is becoming evident that, that is not the case.  She has sure fooled us.  She "talks and talks" and loves to sing and dance.  

She is officially 15 months and is not walking.....  I have an appointment with the doctor.  She has one foot that turns out a whole lot, it is her right foot actually.  She may need some braces or special shoes to correct this.  She will try and stand by herself constantly but you can see how when she puts weight on her one foot that turns out, she immediately falls down.  We shall see what the doctor says.  

Well, daddy and Brayden are almost home, they went to rent some movies.  I have to go pop some popcorn for our family movie night.  Adios! 

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Great Read....

I had to share my recent reading enjoyment.....  I am currently reading a wonderful book titled, The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel.  I have skimmed his previous books but nothing compares to this one.  It is such a powerful book that is really putting to rest all the questions I have always had regarding faith, God, and how life came to be.  I find myself reading it and going..... "oh my gosh, that is exactly what I have been guilty of thinking".  It crazy to read my thoughts in print, written by someone else.  

I have always been a deep thinker.  I have always questioned faith and that drives me absolutely insane.  I wonder......For those extremely firm in their faith and belief, at what point in their life did they make that commitment of faith.  Was it because that is what they were taught growing up?  Was it a result of a major event in their lives?  How did they get their faith?  

My faith is a work in progress.  The information in this book is helping complete the process.  If you have ever wondered......  (fill in the blank).  I encourage you to read this book.  (Gosh I sound like a commercial).....  

We are all doing well.  Bailee is fighting a cold.  I never dreamed that such a small person could have so much snot.  Her little nose is absolutely raw.  I am looking forward to family time this weekend. Depending on how cold it will be, we may venture to the zoo.  Brayden loves the zoo and I would love for Bailee to see the assortment of zoo animals.  

Monday, November 10, 2008

Bet You Didn't Know....

I had an amazing childhood and was raised a military brat.

Growing up, I moved from Oklahoma to Texas, then Michigan, next Florida, and then back to Texas.

I am extremely sentimental.

I have a fierce phobia of snakes.

I oddly wonder what it feels like to be stung by a scorpion.  Maybe I wouldn't be so scared of them if I knew what it felt like.....  (weird I know)

I fear losing those I love, to death.

I have always had a passion for writing.... can't rhyme though, so poetry is out.....

I have a secret love of photography.

I have several weird addictions…. nothing illegal, but sex isn't one of them (according to my husband…. he was reading as I was blogging).

I loathe running and the whole working out thing….  but love it afterwards...  

I decided the heck with the self-help aisle in the bookstore, years ago.  Spent tons of money before realizing this.....  I have come to be content with who I am.

I knew at the age of 3, I wanted to be a teacher.

The song “You Are My Sunshine”, made me cry when I was very young.  I hated the thought of someone taking someone else’s sunshine.

I am an open book, you know EXACTLY how I feel and will never have to wonder how I feel.

I don’t pretend very well.

I should be a spokesperson for antidepressants, don’t give up until you find the right one for you!

Most of the time my house is decent (varying degrees of decent) just don’t open a drawer or cabinet. 

I will never ever read a book more than once.

I am a very passionate person.

I spent half of my life, worried about what people thought of me.  Now I know all that matters is that I stay true to myself.

My secret dream job is to be a news reporter on a big network.

I dream of meeting Oprah.

I will one day go on to receive my Masters and Doctorate.

I love crawling into a freshly made bed with clean sheets, and a good book.

I would give anything to buy my grandparents old house, and make it look just like it once did when I was a child. 

I have ADD, self diagnosed….

It drives me insane that I am not organized.

I am always running late.

I love the cheese in the can you squirt out.... YUM!  

I hate being lied to.

I married my best friend.

I was the biggest tomboy and could build an awesome fort, I still secretly believe I can build an awesome fort.

I am a computer nerd.  My husband always says, I am a nerd period....

At night, I go into my children's bedroom, just to watch them sleep.  

This and That....

The boys returned from their hunting trip Sunday morning.  They had a GREAT time together. Justin is planning on going ALONE to the deer lease.  He couldn't get over the patience it takes to take a 5 year old hunting.... ha ha ha... that's a taste of the old medicine for him....

Also, Sunday morning my dear friend Julie, and her son Dawson came to visit.  They live in Miles, Texas which is just outside of San Angelo.  They stayed with us for the day and evening.  Dawson had a doctors appointment in San Antonio today.  He is doing wonderful and gaining weight.  It is unreal to see how mobile he is.  He rolls to exactly where he wants to go.  

Bailee was so funny with Awesome Dawson.  She constantly wanted to touch him and love on him.  It was funny to see how she was trying to mother him, even though she is a young'n herself.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

At a loss for words....

There aren't words to describe what I witnessed yesterday.  But, I wanted to share.

Yesterday morning I was driving into town.  I was running late as usual.  A friend was waiting at the gym, and this friend hates when I am late.  Well the car in front of me was going extremely slow.  It was so frustrating!  As I am following closely behind this car, I notice that it is a little elderly man driving.  The next thing I notice is the lone bumper sticker on the car.  It read:

Married for Life
One husband one wife
est. 1951

My first thought was, hmmmmm, is the purpose of the bumper sticker a statement or a proud display of the rare marriages out there?  Then it hit me, wow, that really is a long, long time to be married.  As I was contemplating this..... the blinker of the car was on and it thankfully was going to be out of my way........  the next thing....  stopped me in my tracks.....

I realized he was turning into a nursing home.  I knew he was probably going to visit his wife of 57 years.  Wow, for some reason that was very moving for me.  

In life, we never know what others are dealing with or going through.  People we pass while completing our daily tasks are all dealing with things we will never know about whether it is, a loved one in a nursing home, a marriage falling apart, financial problems, a lost job, news that someone they love is dying, etc.  the list goes on and on.  

I realized that we need to be more aware of what other's are going through.  So many times we focus on our own personal struggles and get lost in the self pity.  Join me today in working on changing this.  It will not be an overnight success but a work in progress.  

Friday, November 7, 2008

That Darn Alarm Clock....

Well, just like the Sugarland song that is on the radio right now.....

Woke up late about an hour,
No cup of coffee no shower.
Ugh.....  It was blaringly (made up word)  obvious this morning just how much I rely on Justin to get my big ol' butt out of bed.

The alarm clock decided it was going to take the morning off, it was set last night just as every night.  Bailee decided to sleep in too, and as a result..... I slept in.

I opened my eyes and instantly saw that it was a little too light outside to be 6:00.  Sure enough...  it was 7:30. 

The worst part is, I had my mom meet me at my school so she could take Bailee to the sitter. Well she was there and I wasn't.  She woke up early just to help me out........  I stood her up.  She handled it so well.  Much better than I would have.

So yes, today was one of those days.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Playing Hooky

Well the boys have left for the deer lease for the next three days.  Yes, Brayden is only in Kindergarten and already is playing hooky.  Girl time has officially began for Bailee and I!  I have all these great plans and intentions for the next few days.  Hopefully I can get some things done around here.  That new great camcorder that I just bought is in their hands.  That is a scary thought, especially when I opted not to take the accidental insurance on the thing.  

Back to playing hooky....  Brayden and I were on our way to school this morning and Brayden informs me that he made sure to let his teachers know that he would be playing hooky:

Me: "Oh Brayden, I forgot to write your teacher a note and let her know you wouldn't be there on Friday.  We needed to get your work you will be missing."

Brayden: "She already knows.  I told her I was playing hooky on Friday."

Me: "Oh really?  What did she say?" (dreading the answer).

Brayden: "She just made a funny face.  So I told her that we weren't really playing hooky, we were just going to the deer lease." 

Brayden is an open book, just like his mommy.  He doesn't keep anything to himself.  I have already been informed by his teacher that yes, Brayden has shared family secrets with her, and that no one will ever know what they are..... I cringe when I think of what those secrets may be....  I figure that her still talking to me is a good sign......

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Dancing Ag Teacher

It began about 2 1/2 weeks ago.... DH and I had decided that he would leave early Halloween afternoon to head to the deer lease, since it was opening weekend.  We had agreed that since Brayden went trick or treating the weekend prior and daddy was there.... he could get a "pass" (not really) and leave early for the deer lease.  Well that was all fine and dandy.....

Then I get THE EMAIL..... Apparently a student of DH is going through a hard time... she is on the dance team, and during half time at the football game Halloween evening, there was a daddy & daughter dance performance.  She asked DH to stand in place of her father who was injured.  

Of course Justin jumped at the chance.  They had two practices before the performance.  Justin didn't remember the moves from one practice to the other....  Anyways, he went, I took trick or treating duty along with Aunt Shelley and Aunt Sue.  I can't wait to get a copy of the video.  You can bet that when I do, I will post on my blog.  Stay tuned!

Justin is not the type to do stuff like this.  Can't you just see a man's man shaking his money maker during a football game.....  in front of hundreds of people... then leaving immediately after dancing and heading to the deer lease to go hunting????  I laugh just picturing it!  

BUT the thought of a student going to her Ag teacher and asking him to do this for her..... that shows you the dedication Justin has to his students and the impact he has on them.  It also says a lot of Justin saying yes, immediately.  He is such a genuine person and truly cares about his students.  

What a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man..... (you know you are singing the song now!)


Lounge Talk, Bumps and Bruises, and My Top Cat

Wow, the buzz going on in the teacher's lounge today was crazy.  As you can imagine, it was centered around the election.  Being that teachers can't discuss politics to students (and shouldn't I might add...) I guess they were dying to talk to someone.   As I would run into the lounge to get coffee, make copies, etc., there was always deep discussion going on.  There wasn't really one side being chosen.... just discussion... based on the results.  It was so interesting.  I giggled every time I walked in there.  I  wish I was organized enough to be able to discuss the latest news with others in the lounge.  I know those teachers have a lot going on, but I think they are a little more organized than I am, which gives them the free time.  That would be a luxury for me at this point.  It seems I am always chasing my tail.  

That is one thing I am going to work on.... being organized.  Heck I have been working on my lack of organization my ENTIRE life.  Can you imagine how much less stressed I would be if I would just get organized?  

Rambling forward.....

As I was rockin' through the day today...... churning out lessons, I got a call on my classroom phone.  I actually was walking into my room after monitoring the halls between classes.... (you have to make yourself visible to these middle schoolers.....) and a student of mine answered my classroom phone!  But, that is besides the point..... it was the nurse from Brayden's school.  He had an accident and hit his forehead.  She said it was pretty bad but that he would be okay.  She thought he would feel better if he talked to momma.  Well, she put him on the phone and immediately he was crying harder.  I told him momma would be over in just a sec.  I got my class covered and headed over there.  As soon as I arrived, he was already calmed down.  He already had a bandage on it, and was holding ice on it.  He looked pretty pathetic.  I assessed his injury and saw that it did look bad, but not too bad.  He seemed to be fine.  Within 10 minutes I was headed back to my school.  The school day ends for the both of us and I never received another call.  

Aunt Sue picked Brayden up today after school, so I headed over to pick him up late this afternoon.  As soon as I saw him, I couldn't believe the goose egg he had that was covered in scrapes.  I sure didn't remember it looking so bad.  It amazed me how ugly it had turned.  I tried to conceal my shock.... I did pretty good.  

He couldn't wait to run up and show me his badge for receiving a TOP CAT award.  If you get the award, you are able to take off your shoes in school, chew bubble gum in class, leave early for lunch, and leave early after school.  It is all based on character traits and behavior!  Needless to say, I was a proud mamma!  I have a Top Cat!  Brayden thinks there may be a bumper sticker coming...... (oh God, I never thought I would be one of "those" moms!) BUT, by God if I get a bumper sticker..... it is going on my car!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I have many bad habits.  Some are even addictions.  Yes, I am guilty as charged.  This blogging deal..... is running amuck!  I am getting to bed each night too late!  The late nights are not because of my blogging, but because I read other blogs, mainly those of friends, so I can keep up with how everyone is doing.  

Well, lately I have started reading random blogs that are attached to the regular blogs I read.  I don't even know these people!  But, I can't stop reading!  I tell myself I will only be on for 10 minutes longer.  Next thing I know, an hour has passed, then two hours.  

I can see where this is headed and it is not looking good.  Put together my love for reading, and my love of people and what is going on in their lives, and I have a brand spanking new addiction.  Between my blog reading and DH's Fantasy Football, we may be in the market for a second computer.  I guess it could be worse, we could be on the computer looking at porn.

Oh well, at least being a blogaholic is healthier than some of my other habits.

I and so excited! I recently purchased a new camcorder.  I love it!  It has a 30gb hard drive and can take a memory stick.  I have already shot some great footage of the family.  I am trying to learn iMovie on my Mac so I can edit and fine tune the footage.  

I finished my first movie last night.  I was so excited to share it with Grammy.  Well, the whole Windows/Mac difficulties came into play (haven't figured it out) and she wasn't able to open the file I emailed her.  I came up with this brilliant idea that I could post to YouTube and she could view them that way. 

I felt I was really diving in now!  First blogging, then texting, and now YouTube.  I eagerly signed up with YouTube.  I was set to go and uploaded my movie right away.  Grammy got to see it and loved it!  It was of Bailee doing her "spider crawl".  I thought I would put the code on my blog and share it with you..... Well, daddy saw that his daughter was on YouTube and was totally not comfortable with it.  He said to go ahead and leave it, but that it bothered him just a little..... that is all I needed to hear... I immediately deleted the video from YouTube.  If I figure out how to make it to where only certain people can view it, then I will do that.  Any suggestions out there?  If not, I guess it won't be happening.  It kinda made me laugh though.  This is only the beginning as far as daddy and his little girl.  He is going to be super protective.  I think it is great though.  I love seeing that protective daddy in him.  

Sunday, November 2, 2008

When I Grow Up

I did something so out of character.  I planned ahead and was prepared for something! Brayden's school celebrated Red Ribbon Week last week and to end the week, they wanted all the kids to dress up as what they wanted to be when they grew up.  Well, Brayden and I had been talking about it for almost two weeks.  When he talked about what he wanted to be, he said he wanted to make sure that he made enough money so his Grammy could retire.  He said he wanted to take care of her so she didn't have to worry about working ever again.  

He first suggested that he dress up as a person that works at McDonald's, because that might be what he wants to be when he grows up.  Needless to say, I told him that, that wasn't going to cut it, and it wouldn't even pay enough for a roof over his head.  So he asked whether it would be better if he just went ahead and worked at Wal-Mart.  By this time I am trying to keep my eyes on the road and not looked so put out and shocked with his career choices.  

I told him, that working at Wal-Mart was the same as working at McDonald's.  So we discussed different careers and those that made a lot of money.  

After our talk, he decided that he would be a doctor (NOW we were talking my language). Relieved with his 3rd career choice, we immediately went to look for a costume.  Obviously we found one and it was perfect!   He was all decked out as you can see in the pictures.  It was too cute.  He wore everything, including the hat.  I didn't think the hat was going to make the cut, but he insisted on wearing it.  He said that doctors have to wear their hat to keep the bugs out of their hair.  

As we pull up to school, the majority of the kids aren't dressed for the occasion.  Immediately Brayden has this panicked look and a tone in his voice that matched... he blurted out, momma are you sure this was the right day for this?  I promised him from the bottom of my heart that this was the right day, and that I had learned my lesson back on the dreaded pajama day incident.  I sent him to preschool in his pajamas because I honestly thought it was pajama day..... and it wasn't.  He hasn't forgotten that and probably never will.

Southern Living Recipe

1 Dodge Truck
2 Kids full of candy
2 Car Seats
3 Tired Adults
2 King Size Pillows

Mix all above ingredients.  Stir well.  Ignore lumps.

Add to the above mixture 5 handfuls of luggage.

Baking Time: 2 1/2 hours

It wasn't too bad considering.... Making memories.  

We got to Aunt Joy's house late and didn't go to bed until almost 1:00 am.  The best part was that Bailee decided she wanted to wake at 5:00 am.  Saturday was an interesting day to say the least.  Thank goodness we had a much better night Saturday.  The restful night was evident on everyone's face.  

We had a great time down South.  It is so wonderful getting to visit with family.  The kids had a great time too!  

Bailee went through her brother's bag and took out all is clothes.  She then proceeded to try them on.  I have to say, my favorite is the picture of her with his underwear on her head. Thank goodness they were clean!

Halloween Fun

Friday evening we all the family got together at Aunt Sue's.  Of course the men were missing in action.... remember deer season started.  Anyways, we had a great time!  We went around the neighborhood and did our trick or treating.  I got carried away taking pictures of the decorations. I couldn't keep up with Brayden so that is why you only see Bailee in the pictures.  

Mooned by the Pumpkin Man!

This is hilarious!  It is GREAT to see others with the same weird sense of humor as me!  I loved this!  Yes, I know, I will NEVER grow up!

Here is the famous Aunt Sue!  She went all out in her annual Halloween Costume!  Check out her serious face.  

Who Knew? Update Version..... Please pass it on.